Global Women Coalition

Powered by, YO International

YO International provides humanitarian assistance to communities around the world in the form of social services programs. Over the years we become more aware of the lives of women living across the globe. The suffering is unbearable, sometimes. Women need to have a voice.

YOI Global Women Coalition aims to establish a global platform for women’s empowerment. We seek to empower women to express their pain and opinions, raising awareness about their struggles worldwide. Understanding their struggles is crucial for positive change.

Her Stories!!

Zambia, has some of the highest levels of gender-based violence reported in the world!

Women and girls throughout Zambia often do not have access to quality education. Also, child marriages and young pregnancy are common. Hunger fuels this cycle, and vice versa: when women and families with young girls lack the resources to stay fed, safe, and healthy, they often seek economic stability through marriage. Many feel as though they have no other options, but life does not always improve after marriage. Women typically eat last and least, and many experience violence or abuse at home. In fact, the country has some of the highest levels of gender-based violence reported in the world, with over 42% experiencing physical or sexual violence from their partner in their life, and over 25% experiencing the same in the last year alone. Gender norms in the community prevent women from breaking out of this cycle, even when they are mistreated and discriminated against by their spouses and some of the women who have been divorce, have e.g five children and she does nothing, it will make girl child to go in to early marriages.

Let your voice and Opinion heard

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Team with honorable intentions

Get in touch and our local women coalition team will connect with you soon

Ruth Carmélia J.S Ngundela

GWC Ambassador, Mozambique

Singirankabo Esperance

GWC Ambassador, Burundi

Aline Nkurunziza

GWC Ambassador, Burundi

Memory Phiri

GWC Ambasador, Jambia


An African-American owned International Social Services 501c3 organization. Our organization provides numerous programs that focuses on (not limited to) emergency assistance, disaster response, family life, sexual violence, human rights and education resources.